Sunday, November 14, 2010

What diabetes will cost you a year: $6,000+

What diabetes will cost you a year: $6,000+
A recent article in Consumer Reports reveals just how much money a diabetic is in danger of losing every year. The conservative estimate is: $6,000.
Diabetes patients spend an average of $6,000 annually on costs for treating their disease, according to a recent survey conducted by Consumer Reports Health. That figure includes monitoring supplies, medicines, doctor visits, annual eye exams and other routine costs. But the total doesn’t include the costs of medical complications that often result from Type 2 diabetes, such as heart disease, strokes, liver and kidney damage, eye damage and a susceptibility to infections and poor healing that can lead to amputations. The C.D.C. estimates that diabetic patients on average pay twice as much as those without the illness for health care.”
bag o money
The New York Times “Patient Money” column follows up on that data with a good article on how to cut expenses for the type 2 diabetic and minimize the outflow of your hard earned cash.
 Most of us would go to great lengths to protect a big wad of money. Saving money is just the kind of additional motivation some of us need to maintain that diet and to push just a little bit harder during that  workout. After all, for $6,000, you can buy yourself a really neat present when you get to your goal weight and become type 2 free.

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