Saturday, April 25, 2015

When Forgetting You Have a Problem Might Be The Problem.

When you take action and address a problem, sometimes you feel that it has been dealt with and now think that things will go well for you from now on. But there is a difference between doing well, and just thinking that you are doing well. 

I feel better when I have "done something" about my health. I also think that my car runs better after I wash it.  It is best to have some third party or look to an objective measurement to evaluate your true progress.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Change your attitude, change your lifespan

Does your attitude affect your health and longevity?

King Solomon thought so, (Prov. 17:22) and as it turns out, so does a Harvard Psychological Sciences professor.

In the second part of this podcast on longevity, we learn of a crazy sounding experiment: Older men were put in a monastery and lived as if they were transported back 20 years in time. They all got healthier.

Apparently, modern empirical science is finally catching up with King Solomon.

Big Picture Science