Monday, August 29, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Linked to Diabetes: Is this good or bad?

"...carpal tunnel syndrome is fifteen times more common in people with diabetes than in the general population." Says Anne Kramer, in an article on ergonomics and the work place.

At first glance, this is depressing news. It seems to be a clear case of "when it rains it pours." But there may be some helpful ways to use this information.

One helpful element would be to use this link as a possible red flag. If you have symptoms of one of these problems, test for the other and you may derive a benefit in the form of early detection and treatment. A lot of people have diabetes that has not been diagnosed. Getting checked out for diabetes when you go in regarding a sore wrist might save more than your pitching arm. Early and effective management of diabetes can extend the length of life and improve its quality greatly.

Another benefit of this link might be an alternate method for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. If it is diabetes related, the aggressive treatment of diabetes, or reversing type 2 diabetes through diet and exercise might reduce the carpal tunnel symptoms to the point that surgery becomes unnecessary. I have not heard of this as a treatment, but if the link exists, it makes sense to give curing your diabetes the best shot possible and seeing if there is an improvement in the carpal tunnel area. Diabetes is known to affect feelings in the feet and other extremities. It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that diabetes may be adding to wrist discomfort as well.

Yes, the diabetes/carpal tunnel link is bad news. But it is bad news you can use to hear better news in the future.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This actually makes sense

It is supposed to be funny, but a couple of slices of deli meat with a garden onion or cheese stick in the middle a makes a pretty fast low-carb breakfast!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

If it could happen to Boris, it could happen to you.

Boris was supposed to be a miniature pig. Boris didn't care. He gained so much weight, he is classified as obese for a pig. How did he get that way? This CBS video tells all: He raided the fridge and then hid the evidence. That's right. Boris is a secret eater.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cant afford a weight set? Got a Sledgehammer? Most Manly Workout EVER!

Save some money and impress your friends with this Sledgehammer Workout! No joke, it really is a real workout. Really.

 I have to give this guy full credit for creativity, manliness and being cheap, all qualities that I value. Besides it's funny. What's not to like? Except maybe all the broken stuff you might have if you are not careful.

EMBED-23 Sledgehammer Exercises For Full Body Workout - Watch more free videos

Every hour of viewing takes 22 minutes off your life..!

Researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia have analyzed information from the "Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study," together with population and death rate data and arrived at a disturbing conclusion. Your TV is killing you. In fact, every hour of viewing brings you 22 minutes closer to death. 

It is assumed that it is the sedentary lifestyle, rather than being bored to death or preferring death to viewing so many commercials, that is the culprit.  Depression can lead to earlier death, but does TV viewing make viewers depressed, or do more depressed people view more television? The jury is out on that. But it is clear that the more time in front of the boob tube, you not only lost those 22 minutes at the end of life, but also just waisted the 60 min. you had.

Exercise and being Fat beats Dieting for the Obese- says CBS Health

If you could only pick one: exercise or diet, which would be more healthy? According to a new study, exercise without any weight loss brings better health than dieting. In fact, dieting and failing actually contributed to a decline in health.

I find some encouragement in this. So far, my focus has been on the scale and counting calories. Now I see I should be more concerned with my work outs and look at weight loss as a bonus, not the main goal. I still want and plan to lose those pounds, but shifting the priority to exercise helps me put first things first and simplifies my life.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Your Sickess Might be the Only Thing Keeping You Healthy.

We all love a "Win-Win" situation, or a "Two for One" when we can get it. There is an odd "win-win" recently discovered: People using medications to treat arthritis or psoriasis have a lower risk of getting diabetes. Maybe this is a "Lose-Win," but by treating one problem, you are actually helping yourself  escape another.

In a recent study, those treating Arthritis and Psoriasis with medications (like cyclosporine) were 38% less likely to get type 2 diabetes than those not receiving treatment for those conditions. If they used hydroxychloroquine, a Rheumatoid Arthritis drug (also used for fighting malaria), a whopping 46 % lower risk of diabetes was experienced.

So, maybe we shouldn't get depressed about some of our problems. The trouble you are having right now may be saving you from having something worse.